This program is for children 1 to 3 years of age. Staff to child ratio is 1 to 5 in the 1-year-old classroom, and 1 to 7 in the 2-year-old classroom. The toddler classrooms are full of large and small motor activities and spaces to explore. The classrooms are equipped with materials designed to support the natural developmental stages of exploration, movement, language acquisition, and the sense of order in the child’s environment. Materials that aid in the growth of large and small motor abilities are arranged on low shelves, available to the children. Experienced teachers facilitate the children’s participation in age-appropriate “Practical Life” activities. Toilet learning is approached with patience and care, following the signs that the child is ready for each new step toward independence in this life skill. Outside time is included when the weather is not excessively hot, cold, or otherwise unsuitable for young children. The toddler playground has sandboxes, climbing equipment, and outdoor toys. After-nap activities include music, movement, and art, as well as access to all the developmental materials on the shelves.
Lunch is family style, prepared at the school. Morning and afternoon snacks are provided either at the classroom tables, or at the table outdoors when weather permits.